Visiting Hours
Visiting Hours are 11:00am to 1:00pm and 3:00pm to 8:00pm. There is a rest period for our patients from 1:00pm until 3:00pm daily and there are no visitors during this time.
We understand that visitors may have particular needs or circumstances that require flexibility in relation to the published visiting hours and these should be directed to the Nurse Unit Manager for consideration.
We realise how important it is for hospital inpatients to have the company and support of family and friends. In order to assist in their care, all visitors are asked to respect the hospital’s infection control practices.
We would like visitors to the hospital to consider the following:
- The importance of correct and frequent hand-washing;
- If you are sick (especially if you have a fever or skin infection) or have been in contact with someone with an infectious disease such as chicken pox, measles or influenza, then it would be preferable to contact the patient by phone.
These measures are particularly important if your natural immunity to disease is compromised because of your condition.